Investing vs. Paying Off Student Loans

The Federal Reserve reports that the average college graduate has around $35,000 of student loans—and those of you carrying such debt may find it an impediment to achieving your Rich Life. But the surprisingly good news is that student loans were probably an excellent financial decision. We’ll look into the reasons why in this article. Statistics clearly show that college graduates far outearn those with only a high school diploma. (That

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Sell from your own platform to algorithm-proof your business

Sometimes it feels like a never-ending cycle.Pay for Facebook ads (or Instagram ads or sponsored tweets or YouTube ads), watch your traffic get a bump, close a few sales, repeat.Or maybe you’re working hard at creating YouTube videos and posting perfect Instagram pictures. Maybe you’re getting a ton of traffic from Pinterest. You spend hours crafting content, picking the right descriptions, and filling in all the meta-data. And it works.

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To Whom It May Concern: What You Should Write Instead (+Tips)

“To Whom It May Concern” has traditionally been used as a formal salutation in cover letters and other business correspondences. It’s been around for decades, so odds are that you’ve seen it in one form or another. These days it’s overused (and sometimes misused) by people all over the world. Salutations are your first impression with hiring managers or potential business leads. The wrong choice can make them feel like you haven’t

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