
Finding a reliable work-from-home gig can be a real chore, especially with so many job boards, listings and companies that regularly seek remote employees.
Our work-from-home jobs portal is a great resource for finding new positions that become available every week. We hope you find it useful and check it often.  But you may have wondered how we decide which work-from-home jobs are share-worthy.
With a thorough vetting process. Here’s how it works.
We have a few methods of finding work-from-home gigs, such as browsing job boards, using keyword searches in Google and checking the career pages of companies known for having remote positions.
Once we find a job we think might interest our community, we put on our reporting hats. Here are the steps we take to make sure it checks out:
Here at The Penny Hoarder, we’re discerning when it comes to finding legitimate jobs for our readers. If we have a fair amount of trouble vetting a job, we err on the side of caution and take a pass. We know you rely on us for quality opportunities, and we’re looking out for you.
Former staff writer Kaitlyn Blount contributed to this post.
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