How to Help Parents Who Are in Debt

A parent’s financial problems can be a very difficult thing to deal with. This is one of the most difficult situations you may face in your financial life: realizing that your aging parents are in debt. Maybe they were caught off guard by rising medical expenses, or maybe they simply took too many years off from saving and investing. Whatever the cause, they’re going to need help getting their finances

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How Do I Invest More?

Let’s assume you have already dealt with the most important parts of your finances: your credit cards, bank accounts, spending, and investments. You’ve consciously decided what your Rich Life is, and you’ve built a financial system that is essentially on autopilot, letting you spend your time pursuing the things you love. You’re doing great. Especially considering that most people are still struggling with paying their monthly bills. So congratulations. But—of

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The Annual Financial Checklist

It’s important to maintain your automated financial system. Every year, I spend a few hours re-reviewing my system and making any changes necessary. For example, have I added subscriptions that I don’t need anymore? Should I adjust my Conscious Spending Plan to account for new short-term goals? Set aside some time every year—I recommend December so you can start the next year off right—to go through each of the steps

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Meet James

This story made me laugh. James’ wife was furious when she found out he had spend $1,000 on a course…that is, until he showed her the results. Check it out:James made an extra $60,000 from my Earn1K course, bringing his total tutor revenue to $180,000.But, living a Rich Life isn’t just about money.James had a family and a son on the way. He knew that there was a limit to

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Meet Erin

Erin helps women lose weight and build confidence through a special fitness program she created.“I’m passionate about helping women feel better in their bodies. A lot of time people say, ‘I hate working out. Working out sucks.’ I want to help these people move in a way that’s really fun.”She had an online business for a year before joining Zero to Launch, looking to grow her email list of roughly

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Meet John

John didn’t know what he wanted to do with his career. After getting a degree in criminal justice, he realized he had no desire to be a cop or lawyer. He then went to business school, only to realize he didn’t want to do anything with that degree, either.“I was surrounded by people who were going to be bankers and consultants working 80 hours a week at a corporate job.

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Meet Kimberly

After college, Kimberly Ramsawak landed a job as a marketing promotions manager. But she immediately discovered it wasn’t for her.“After about a month at my cubicle job, I knew it wasn’t the life for me. I wanted to travel more than the two weeks vacation I was given each year. So I applied to an international graduate program where I would spend a year between Italy and Japan. I thought

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Meet Larry

For Larry Lee, law school wasn’t about pulling all nighters and burying his nose deep in books.“For a lot of students, law school is three years of torture. But I was lucky to have friends who went before me. They steered me in the right direction by showing how to work smarter.”“Even though I edited the law journal, served as a teaching assistant, tutored first-year students, and worked as a

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Meet Heidi

Heidi Marie wanted to work as a fashion designer since she was a little girl.After graduating from college with honors and a double major, she quickly discovered the industry was cutthroat and highly competitive. So she settled for a boring administrative day job in a completely unrelated field.Meanwhile, she spent her nights sewing and designing her own collections, slowly building a portfolio. After 3 years, she had her big break.“I got

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Meet Amy

When Amy was in medical school, she was frequently ill. She visited doctor after doctor, trying to diagnose what was wrong. They all told her, “You’re fine. You’re just stressed.”She knew they were missing something, so she did her own research. Eventually she decided to overhaul her diet, and within months, she felt better.The entire experience made her want to help others go from tired and moody to energetic and

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